Past events 2018 and earlier
Social Media Use and Adolescent Development: What We Know; What We Don’t Know
9 July 2018
The Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) are pleased to invite you to a presentation by Professor Amy Jordan from Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.
In this talk, I examine adolescent development in an era that allows youth to be permanently online and permanently connected through social media and other platforms. I focus on the “tween” and “early teen” years, ages 9 to 15, as a particularly important but under-studied stage in which young people are experiencing rapid biological, social, cognitive, and psychological transitions. I begin by exploring the changing landscape of adolescent social media use and variations in use for adolescents growing up in different contexts. I then present research on the effects – both positive and negative — of adolescent social media use on learning, connectedness, health, and identity development. I conclude by highlighting gaps in our understanding of social media use in adolescent development, and suggest opportunities for future research that would move the field forward.
Dr. Jordan is Professor in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University. Her teaching and research focuses on the role of media in the lives of children and adolescents. In addition, she has been involved in creating and testing culturally sensitive health-related media communications directed at audiences across the life span. Dr. Jordan’s most recent books are Media and the well-being of children and adolescents (2014, Oxford University Press) and Children, adolescents, and media: The future of research and action (2017, Taylor & Francis). Her articles appear across a wide range of peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Communication, Pediatrics, Communication Research, Journal of Family Communication, and Media Psychology. Her research has been funded by a variety of federal funding agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Child Health and Development as well as private foundations, such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dr. Jordan is a member of the board of trustees of Sesame Workshop (makers of Sesame Street), co-editor (with Dafna Lemish) of the Journal of Children and Media, and past president of the International Communication Association (2015-2016).
Internet celebrities and the mainstream press in the age of viral media
Monday 22 January 2018
From fashion Instagrammers in Australia, YouTube gamers in Sweden, and beauty bloggers in the UK, to mukbang eaters in South Korea, zhibowanghong in China, and parody Tweeters in India, the face of internet celebrity is rapidly diversifying and evolving. Digital culture on social media and mainstream celebrity culture on traditional media are also weaving into each other, such that breakout stars from one-hit viral videos are able to parlay their transient fame into full-time careers, while ailing legacy media formats are learning to brandjack vernacular participatory cultures . Drawing on traditional and digital anthropological research on internet celebrity since 2010 across East Asia and Scandinavia, in this talk I historicize how fame online organically develops or is intentionally generated through exclusivity, exoticism, exceptionalism, and everydayness. I lay out a framework for assessing internet celebrity and its parasitic and symbiotic relationships with legacy media, through a sample taxonomy comprising Eyewitness virality, Meme personalities, Spotted and groomed investments, Politicized poster children, Crowd-puller cameos, and Weaponized microcelebrity. This talk is adapted from the forthcoming book, Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online to be published by Emerald in 2018.
Speaker: Crystal Abidin
Dr Crystal Abidin is a socio-cultural anthropologist of vernacular internet cultures, particularly young people’s relationships with internet celebrity, self-curation, and vulnerability. She is most known for her work on Influencers, a multimedia form of vocational internet celebrity. Crystal is Postdoctoral Fellow with the Media Management and Transformation Centre (MMTC) at Jönköping University, and Adjunct Researcher with the Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) at Curtin University. Reach her at or @wishcrys.
The Blockchain: What is it and why should journalists care about it?
5 December 2017
A new, decentralized system for managing and sharing information without relying on centralized record-keepers is poised to transform the “Internet of information” into the “Internet of value.” Blockchain technology, which underpins bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, is now being deployed in multiple settings, by businesses, governments, international agencies and non-profit institutions, to boost transparency, extract efficiency, and achieve new models of economic activity in multiple settings. It promises big things: the prospect to restore personal control over our data, assets, and identities, to grant billions of excluded people access to the global economy, and to shift the balance of power and allow a revival in society’s faith in itself. But it also could be immensely disruptive and faces a host of regulatory challenges. Not unlike other sweeping technological changes in times past, the blockchain portends a paradigm shift that both excites and terrifies people. No one can predict what shape its open-source, rapid-fire development will eventually take, but changes are coming fast and the impact on our lives could be profound. Journalists need to understand it — both about how it could change the economy and the political hierarchy and the impact it could have on the media industry.
Speaker: Michael Casey
Michael Casey is a Senior Advisor at the Digital Currency Initiative at MIT’s Media Lab and a Senior Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is also Chairman of the Advisory Board for CoinDesk, for which he writes the weekly “Token Economy” column, a founding member of the Global Blockchain Business Council, and an advisor to a variety of companies and institutions.
A writer, researcher and public speaker in the fields of economics, finance and digital-currency technology, most of Casey’s career was spent as a journalist, starting at The West Australian in 1991. He was later the bureau chief for AFX-Asia in Jakarta, before joining Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal, where he would work for 18 years in a variety positions in the U.S. and Argentina. His last position was as a senior columnist covering global economics and markets.
Casey is the author of four books, including The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and the Blockchain are Challenging the Global Economic Order, which he co-authored with Paul Vigna, and The Social Organism: A Radical Understanding of Social Media to Transform Your Business and Life, which he co-wrote with Oliver Luckett. A fifth, The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything, also co-authored with Vigna, will be published in February, 2018.
A native of Perth, Casey is a graduate of The University of Western Australia and has a Masters from Cornell University in New York and a Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Curtin. He now lives in Pelham, New York, with his American wife, Alicia, and two daughters.
Young Hopes: Digital Stories by Young Refugees in Morocco and Turkey
21 August 2017
The Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) and the Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE) hosted a digital story screening and open space discussion event with CCAT’s Visiting Researcher Dr Burcu Şimşek.
About the event
The event brought the digital stories from young refugees living in Morocco and Turkey to Curtin University and aimed to create a space for sharing experiences and thoughts, with a view to discussing new types of collaboration across borders, asking how our people from refugee backgrounds and those working with refugees in Western Australia, including community organisations and activists, could participate in a global network of digital storytelling facilitators for young refugees.
About Burcu Şimşek
Burcu Şimşek is the founder and coordinator of the Digital Storytelling Unit at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey and has facilitated over 50 digital storytelling workshops in Turkey and abroad since 2009 in cooperation with international institutions and non-governmental organisations. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at Hacettepe University and serves as the Vice-Dean for the Faculty, and also has been appointed an Adjunct Researcher for CCAT at Curtin University. Her involvement with storytelling began with a career in journalism and has since evolved to include digital storytelling, women’s studies, oral history, migration studies and health communication with her master’s degree on Women’s Studies from Ankara University and her PhD degree from Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology. Dr Şimşek was the convenor of “The 5th International Digital Storytelling Conference: Create, Act, Change” at Hacettepe University in 2013.
Cultures of Knowledge: Creative Economy and China Summer School and Conference
Curtin University, Perth, 7 – 11 February 2017
2017 Summer School + Conference Video
Curtin University St Georges Tce, Perth CBD.
The theme of the Summer School was Cultures of Knowledge: Creative Economy and China.
The Summer School + Conference is an initiative of the Digital China Lab. Both events are supported by the Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) and the School of Media Culture and Creative Arts (MCCA) at Curtin University.
In the past few years digital innovation has captured attention. Innovation is incubated in micro start-ups, in community and non-profit organisations, and among amateur producers. Maker spaces are now found in most cities, often supported by government. A new generation of producers utilises both traditional and digital era cultural forms, sharing ideas online, and moving products from workshops to online markets. Knowledge moves faster than ever before. Traditional media corporations, whose business models are in a state of constant flux, are attempting to capture and monetize the creativity of users. This momentum is particularly evident in China in the wake of the government’s Internet+ blueprint, announced in March 2015. The rise of China’s powerful internet communication enterprises, their acquisition of domestic media content companies, together with their international ambitions, signify a new frontier of creative economy in the region.
In the Summer School we acknowledge the powerful influence of China but also recognise other comparable developments in Greater China and East Asia: for instance in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan.
Topics included digital connectivity and changing consumption practices; making, remaking and shanzhai cultures; emerging markets for creative content; second screens, apps and connected viewing; challenges to traditional media; digital literature and publishing; niche, marginal and long tail communities; digitisation of traditional cultural resources; crowdfunding; online distribution and consumption of cultural artefacts; online video, fans and user communities; big data and gamification.
The Summer School consisted of 5 days of presentations by emerging scholars as well as established experts. The participants had the opportunity to talk (in English) for twenty minutes about their research problem or approach to enquiry and ask for guidance. Experts and mentors, together with participants, provided feedback; in the case of participants with work already drafted for publication, the U40 will assisted in bringing this work to completion with a view to publication.
The language is English. Participants were required to be proficient in academic English. Some provision was made to assist persons unfamiliar with presenting in English through the event organisers.
The description U40 in China refers to Early Career Researchers under the age of 40; at Curtin we equate this with Early Career Researcher (i.e. no age restriction). Participants will be undertaking a PhD, or will recently have completed a Masters. Participants who have completed a PhD are also eligible to attend.
Professor HUANG Changyong (Shanghai Theatre Academy)
Professor Li Fengliang (Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen)
Professor Anthony Fung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Professor ZHANG Xiaoming (CASS)
Professor FAN ZHOU (CUC, Beijing)
Professor YI Na (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
Dr HUI Ming (CASS)
Distinguished Professor John Hartley
Associate Prof Lucy Montgomery
Dr Elaine Zhao (UNSW)
Dr Brian Yecies (University of Wollongong)
Professor Ming Cheung (Auckland University of Technology)
Associate Prof Michele Willson
geo- (the earth and the earth sciences in humanities inquiry)
CCAT-supported research network and international journal Ctrl-Z was proud to welcome a host of international speakers and guests to its research symposium geo- (the earth and the earth sciences in humanities inquiry) over the last few days of November.
Developed as part of CCAT’s Posthumanism-Animality-Technology program, and co-sponsored by CCAT and the School of Media, Culture & Creative Arts, the event spurred much critical and creative thought in response to the question of whether there might be a place in the earth sciences for philosophical thought, media theory and cultural practice.
Attendees were treated to expansive presentations from leading thinkers in the fields of philosophy, cultural theory, Anthropocene studies, media and communication, urban design and cultural geography, including Professors Isabelle Stengers (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Nigel Clark (Lancaster, UK), Sean Cubitt (Goldsmiths, UK), Chris Russill (Carleton, Canada), Etienne Turpin (MIT, US), as well as Peta Mitchell from UQ and Stephen Muecke, Matthew Kearnes and Thom van Dooren from UNSW.
The overall mood was one of engagement, enthusiasn and interaction, with attendees pushing questions and discussion well past time and into the meal breaks. The event’s concluding roundtable discussion provided an occasional for still more discussion and development of ideas, as participants identified and workshopped the key issues and themes raised and began to lay plans for future collaboration and development.
Ctrl-Z’s geo- was organised by Robert Briggs, Matthew Chrulew, Francis Russell and Janice Baker. Proceedings of the event will be published as a special issue of Ctrl-Z: New Media Philosophy in June 2017.
Speculative Ethology
This international collaborative workshop will provide the opportunity for thinking and discussion in the domain where philosophy and ethology overlap. This is the productively fraught territory of animal “behaviour”—or misbehaviour—sometimes predictable, often surprising, always intriguing. Scientific knowledge here confronts in a distinctive way the problems of interpretation and reflexivity with which the hermeneutic and social sciences have struggled. And it informs and is informed by the demands of power, spectacle and economics, transforming the conduct of those it conducts. Burdened philosophies have structured its concepts and methods, from instinct to Umwelt, from norm to wild. Yet new ideas and facts about animal cognition, technology and culture, as well as new experiences and relationships, have emerged from this site of exchange. How might work in this zone of philosophical ethology contribute to the rethinking and restaging of human-animal relationships? What circumstances and exigencies govern the creation and transformation of concepts in this field? Following the interventions of such perceptive and engaged observers as Jane Goodall and Shirley C. Strum, the “unfaithful daughters” of ethology, how might we revise and revive the often mechanistic and anthropocentric notions we have inherited? What new possibilities do bewildering and misbehaving animals offer to thought and practice?
Speakers: Michelle Bastian, Jeffrey Bussolini, Florence Chiew, Matthew Chrulew, Nigel Clark, Stuart Cooke, Jacqueline Dalziell, Vinciane Despret, Thom van Dooren, Nathan Everson, James Hatley, Gay Hawkins & Ben Dibley, Eben Kirksey, Anna-Katharina Laboissière, Laura McLauchlan, Stephen Muecke, Deborah Bird Rose, Undine Sellbach & Stephen Loo, Isabelle Stengers, Hollis Taylor, Rohan Todd.
Dr. Robert Cunningham on Information Environmentalism
Tuesday 2nd June, 2015
Dr. Robert Cunningham, from the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia, was a guest presenter at a CCAT seminar titled “Information Environmentalism: a governance framework for intellectual property rights”. Dr. Cunningham noted that “Information Environmentalism draws out parallels between the physical world and the information world. The purpose of this approach is to ensure that we don’t reinvent the wheel when diagnosing and resolvingcontemporary issues that emerge in the information age. By applying four analytical frameworks derived from environmental theory – welfare economics, the commons, ecology, and public choice theory – we begin to see that the physical world and the information world are not all that different. In both cases, property is used to mediate between private and public interests. A key theme of Information Environmentalism is that the health of the information environment is a key determinant of the natural world; and governance lessons relating to the natural world can be used to secure the health of the information environment. It is a virtuous cycle. But the cycle only functions successfully if the information commons is protected, nurture and developedin-line with the principle that ‘a resource that belongs to everyone must be used for the public benefit’.”
Throughout his professional career, Robert Cunningham has engaged with the law in his capacity as both legal practitioner and academic. As a legal practitioner his efforts have concentrated on the provision of legal information, court advocacy and education in a variety of capacities including within Community Legal Centres, Legal Aid and the not-for-profit sector. In academia his pursuits have primarily focused on the manner in which the law interfaces with international trade, sustainability, corporate accountability, and intellectual property rights. He is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia where he teaches Corporations Law, International Trade Law and World Trade Organisation Law. Robert will be presenting research from his book recently published by Edward Elgar Information Environmentalism: a governance framework for intellectual property rights. The book applies analytical frameworks derived from environmental theory to construct an information environmental governance framework.
Prof. Michael Keane on Digital China
Thursday 26th March, 2015
Professor Michael Keane, a new appointment to Curtin’s School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts, was invited to present on his research at a CCAT seminar. Professor Keane’s abstract noted:
“In the fifteen years since completing my PhD I have observed how Chinese people have embraced the ideas of creativity and innovation. Yet these themes are often glossed over by area studies specialists. I will argue they are part of new world order. During the Chinese Revolution (1949 – 1976) the government drew upon mass volunteerism to build a new China. People’s sweat labour transformed the nation. Many things we use in our day-to-day lives either come from China or are processed there. Now we see another revolution, one that draws upon digital volunteerism.
This is Digital China.
In this presentation I will put forward some suggestions for how research at Curtin can align with, and take advantage of Digital China. While I can offer fresh insights and connections as a newcomer to Curtin, I hope to learn how to best leverage existing capabilities and human capital. After setting out the context of Digital China, I will provoke some thoughts in relation to teaching and learning; e.g. Curtin’s engagement with remote communities and its Global Classroom initiative; I will show how Australia’s NBN squares up with China’s ‘NBN’ and how this might translate into future engagements related to health, sustainability, indigenous communities and e-commerce; more specifically, in relation to Internet Studies, Cultural Studies, Film and TV, and Writing, I will show how the internationalization aspirations of China’s IT giants, especially BAT (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent) offer a way for us to engage in the new world order.”
Professor Michael Keane was a research fellow at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI), QUT from 2004 -2014. His current funded researched with the Australian Research Council concerns audio-visual media collaboration in East Asia with a focus on Mainland China. He is Director of Creative Transformations Asia
Dr. Burcu Şimşek on Digital Storytelling
Friday 6th March, 2015
In March, CCAT held an informal seminar Dr. Burcu Şimşek, from Hacettepe University, Turky, titled “Here and there: Digital Stories and women’s narratives of migration and longing”. Dr Şimşek, was responsible for introducing Digital Storytelling into Turkey, using workshop-facilitated self-expression to support women’s groups and voices. Burcu completed her PhD on this topic under John Hartley’s supervision at QUT, and since then has undertaken many workshops as well as holding an international conference on Digital Storytelling in Ankara. This year, as part of the Gallipoli centenary, Burcu is conducting storytelling workshops in in both Australia and Turkey. The results of the first, called Here and There, are being screened this week at ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) in Melbourne. Burcu is stopping over in Perth on her way back from this event to share her stories and research with interested colleagues at Curtin. Later in the year she plans to complete two workshops with Australians living in Turkey – one about memories of Gallipoli, the other looking forwards to the future.
The seminar was open for anyone who has an interest in these topics, and to discuss how Curtin might form part of an international network for digital storytelling research and practice. For more about her research please visit:
Pic: Dr. Burcu Şimşek with Distinguished Professor John Hartley.
Dr. Cameron Neylon on Open Science
Tuesday 3rd March, 2015
Research biophysicist and Open Science agitator Dr. Cameron Neylon continued the stellar lineup of CCAT seminar presenters. Dr. Neylon raised and questioned the point that when we talk about scholarly communication, we are almost always talking of the future. If we do look to the past it is to a canonical work. In the sciences, especially in 2015, almost every discussion of the scholarly communications starts with the first edition of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, published in 1665, before proceeding to move past this and show that nothing (or everything) has changed. Dr. Neylon argued that if we are to understand the origins of scholarly communication in the sciences we need to look past the object to the community, and the values of that community, that lay behind it.
Dr. Neylon believes that particularly in the writings of Boyle we find guidance on the proper modes of scientific conduct and communication that might appear in a graduate training book today, but which are rarely realised in practice. If those values were truly realised in the 1660s it was because the community was small, exclusive and homogenous. Over the past 350 years those values were weakened and lost as scaling issues made them impractical. Does the internet and the web offer a solution to these problems? And if so, how can we develop communities and infrastructures that combine the best of the values of the early Royal Society with our more modern values of diversity, inclusion and equality?
Dr. Cameron Neylon is Advocacy Director for the Public Library of Science, a research biophysicist and well known agitator for opening up the process of research. He speaks regularly on issues of Open Science including Open Access publication, Open Data, and Open Source as well as the wider technical and social issues of applying the opportunities the internet brings to the practice of science. He was named as a SPARC Innovator in July 2010 for work on the Panton Principles and is a proud recipient of the Blue Obelisk for contributions to open data. He writes regularly at his blog, Science in the Open. See also @
In August of 2015, Dr. Neylon also joined Curtin University as a Professor of Research Communication with CCAT.
Pic: Dr. Cameron Neylon presenting for CCAT.
Dr. Frances Pinter on Scholarly Publishing
Tuesday 24th February, 2015
CCAT was proud to host a seminar given by Dr. Frances Pinter, CEO of Manchester Press; and Open Access pioneer and founder of Knowledge Unlatched. Dr. Pinter’s seminar The Challenges and Opportunities in Scholarly Communications: Perspectives from Publishing, discussed some of the big issues around changes in scholarly communications; covering some of the choices confronting academic and those servicing the needs of the academic community. Dr. Pinter discussed how new opportunities are opening up in areas such as digital scholarship, new forms of dissemination of research and new business models. Her presentations suggests how big data, digital humanities, changes in scholarly communications and changes in academic career structures are linked and are driven by new digital affordances.
Dr Frances Pinter is the CEO of Manchester University Press in the UK. She was the founding Publisher of Bloomsbury Academic and ran the Churchill Archive digitisation project. She is also the founder of Knowledge Unlatched. Frances has been a visiting fellow at both the Big Innovation Centre and the London School of Economics. She has been active in the Open Access movement since the mid-2000s. Previously she was Publishing Director at the Soros Foundation (Open Society Foundation). In the late 90s she devised the business model for EIFL, the world’s largest library consortium. Earlier she founded Pinter Publishers that also owned Leicester University Press and established the environmental studies imprint Belhaven Press. She holds a BA from New York University and a PhD from University College, London.
Dr. Frances Pinter was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Curtin University.
Dr. Beth Haller on Social Media & Disability Rights Activism
Wednesday 18th February, 2015
CCAT were very honoured to launch the 2015 CCAT Seminar Series with a seminar by visiting Fulbright Scholar Prof. Beth Haller, Professor of Journalism/New Media at Towson University in Maryland.
Prof. Haller’s seminar Social media and disability rights activism: Is online communication finally providing ‘liberating technology’?, analyzed current disability activism that uses social media, and argued that the promise of the Internet and cyberspace as a ‘liberating technology’ (Sussman, 1994) is finally being fulfilled through social media, allowing the communication of disabled “colleagues in justice” (Volkman, 2009). Citing research examining the social media presence of several disability organizations, Dr. Haller argued that social media has reinvigorated some disability rights activism—allowing them to better promote the issues or events important to them—as well as fostering more interaction within the disability community regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, disability, or geography.
Prof. Haller is the author of Representing Disability in An Ableist World: Essays on Mass Media (Avocado Press, 2010). For additional information about Professor Haller, her publications and research, please refer to: About Professor Haller @ (
Below Image: Dr. Beth Haller presenting at Curtin University, February 2015.
Culture +
A China-Australia forum at Curtin University
Monday 30 Nov/ Tuesday 1 Dec 2015
Venue: BankWest Theatre, John Curtin Gallery and The HIVE, Curtin University, Perth
The bilateral forum, Culture +, celebrates cultural and creative relationships between Australia and China, some of which are yet to be formed and tested. In the spirit of collaboration we share ideas.
Culture + sets out opportunities that lie ahead. The themes are illustrated in the imagery of the poster: Culture and Create: the colours symbolize the fusion of the Australian and Chinese national flags, an image of collaboration and friendship. As the ‘sharing economy’ moves closer to becoming a reality, we ask: what will this entail for Sino-Australian relations?
Both nations are looking to secure new sustainable economic models, to break away from reliance on manufacturing and extractive industries respectively. In Australia the value of extractive industries has diminished, impacting on the sustainability of sectors associated with mining such as real estate, transportation, and technology services. China is itself reshaping its economy, putting a great effort on consumption and high value goods and creative services.
The forum will address cross-cultural understandings plus facilitate new ways of thinking about trade, digital technology, knowledge, community and collaboration. Speakers from China will describe how technology is enabling China’s cultural and creative industries, and in particular China’s efforts to send its culture overseas.
Speakers and panel participants will compare creative transformations in film, television, publishing and education services, showing how both nations are preserving and renewing their indigenous cultures.
The forum will utilise the popular Chinese Wechat platform to generate an interactive discussion forum.
Cultural Heritage and New Media Workshop
One day special event
25 September 2014
Date: 9am – 5.30pm, Thursday 25 September 2014
Venue: 104.101/2:LT (across the passage from Common Grounds Restaurant) Curtin University and the Curtin Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch (HIVE).
Speakers include: Erik Champion, Stuart Bender, Sambit Datta, Kate Raynes Goldie, Pauline Joseph, Demetrius Lacet, Ali Mozaffari, Brian Steels, Joshua Hollick, Karen Miller, Michael Wiebrands and Tim Sherratt (Trove).
Keywords: digital visualisation, 3D film & projection, phone apps, interactive environments/games, databases, web interfaces, digital storytelling, TROVE, HIVE, Markham Car Collection, Makerspace, Indigenous film making, built heritage, projects in process, grant applications.
CCAT Flagship Event ZUMC University Staff Development Program at Curtin University Convened and hosted by CCAT
10 July – 26 July 2014
Background and purpose of the program
ZUMC, or Zhejiang University of Media and Communication, is one of China’s major hubs that trains and educates specialized talents for the broadcast industry and other creative industries in media and communications. Curtin University Faculty of Humanities (CURTIN) and ZUMC regard each other as long-term research and education partners and have decided to build on current cooperation between the two institutions, especially at research and graduate level.
The objectives of the program are to enhance understanding of each other, to enable knowledge exchange and to develop skills among university management for efficient and sustainable services. Knowledge exchange builds around capacity building activities for policy formulation/implementation and institutional strengthening of both institutions.
Specifically this program will allow senior management personnel of ZUMC to gain an understanding of quality management and management experiences in the higher education of Australia, so as to improve the professional and management skills of the participants in the training program.
Duration, places and number of people
There are 20 people in the program, mostly deans and heads of departments from ZUMC. They will stay in Australia for 20 days, 16 days in Perth and 4 days in Sydney.
Program content and mode of training
The training program consists of two modules: higher education management in Australia and disciplinary knowledge in media and communication and the creative economy. The first module will cover Australian universities’ management system, curriculum, teaching management and quality evaluation and supervision, research commercialization, and staff development (includes teaching team construction and teachers’ engagement, young teachers’ development, compensation system, and performance assessment and examination), innovative education mechanism, and internationalization, etc. The second module includes presentations on some of the latest developments in education and research in culture, media and communication.
The training will be conducted in multiple formats, including but not limited to lectures, forums, workshops and site visits.

Above: ZUMC personnel with Professor Majella Franzmann, PVC Humanities (centre) and Dr Henry Siling Li (right, front row) from CCAT, one of the key organisers of the event.
ZUMC Induction program
February 2014
CCAT held a two week induction program for six visiting academics from our partner university in Hangzhou, ZUMC (Zhejiang University of Media & Communications) in February 2014.
The goal – along the lines of the Oxford Internet Institute’s Summer Doctoral Program – was to introduce ZUMC colleagues to the Curtin campus, Faculty of Humanities researchers and post-graduate candidates, to hear and deliver presentations, and to participate in an innovative introduction to ‘research methods’ by means of a practical digital storytelling workshop, to be facilitated by Dr Christina Spurgeon from the Creative Industries Faculty of QUT.
Curtin University Faculty of Humanities regards ZUMC as a long-term research and education partner and is building on current cooperation between the two institutions, especially at research and graduate level. Current projects include a degree articulation program, exchanges of students, and collaborative learning programs. One of the collaborative programs, Earth-sky-us was the only program featured as an example of China-Australia higher education collaboration at the 2013 launch of the new initiative of Study Perth in China, attended by WA Premier Colin Barnett in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.
Image high above (L-R): Jan He Zhang, Laura Kittel, Yaoxia Zhu, Henry Siling Li, Wenjie Hu, Sheng Huang, Shanshan Liu, Weiwei Zhang, Guangsheng Zheng at the graduation ceremony. Above: Phd candidate Jan He Zhang with Professor Tim Dolin, Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, Humanities, Curtin University.