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Audio Description for Television: Legislation, Policy and AI

Old fashioned microphone with sound waves coming out of it with the bold letters AD

The Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) at Curtin University invites you to participate in our 2025 online symposium exploring the challenges and changes in the creation of AD for television. This symposium aims to highlight the history of the introduction of AD to Australian screens, revisit the call for legislative changes, and consider the current and future challenges to the creation of accessible television.

We welcome Lauren Henley (Blind Citizens Australia and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre advisor) and John Simpson AM (Information Accessibility Specialist) as keynote speakers.

If you would like to present at this symposium, please email a brief abstract to This symposium welcomes presentations from Australian broadcasters, audio description companies and professionals, and associated industry and advocacy groups.

The symposium will be held online via Zoom on Friday May 9, 11am EST (9am WST).