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Digital Intimacies

Digital media

“Digital intimacies” has come to signal an area of scholarly work in the humanities on intimate, social, cultural, and political life in the digital era. “Digital Intimacies” has also come to gesture towards a particular approach to the study of digital cultures – one that is centrally influenced by queer, intersectional feminist and gender theory in order to think through shifting notions of public and private in the digital era, and “digital intimate publics” (Dobson, Carah, and Robards, 2018). As social media increasingly open intimate lives and everyday sociality to public and semi-public gazes, we are in the midst of important cultural contestations over the meaning of intimacy, as well as the relationship between intimacy and politics. How intimacy plays out in, and in relation to, the digital has become a prominent concern in scholarship of digital cultures, as well as in broader public debate.

This program of research explores a range of digital media cultural practices and issues to do with digital intimacies and their contestation, including sexual communication, dating apps, online harassment and abuse, digital communities of care, mental health and wellbeing, digital activism and resistance, feminism online, identities and subjectivities in the digital media era, and related tensions around publicity and privacy, authenticity and commerce, that arise in digital cultures.

Program leader


HDR Researchers
